144 research outputs found

    Problemi e osservazioni sul questionario utilizzato per la valutazione della didattica da parte degli studenti frequentanti

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    Student evaluations of teaching activity are compulsory in Italian universities and the National Committee for University System Evaluation (Comitato Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario, CNVSU) proposed a course-evaluation questionnaire with items based on the four-point Likert scale and a traditional item-by-item analysis. This paper illustrates the main issues concerning the student evaluation of teaching, the survey and sample designs adopted to carry out the evaluation of the teaching activity, the wording of the proposed items, the timing of surveys because it could affect the results, and the advantages or disadvantages of the four-point Likert scale

    Una strategia di ripartizione dei fondi di incentivazione dei professori e dei ricercatori universitari

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    La Legge n. 370/99 ha introdotto la possibilità di erogare incentivi al personale docente che soddisfi determinati requisiti: un primo tentativo di introdurre una quota variabile di remunerazione in funzione del raggiungimento di fini specifici. Ogni Ateneo dispone di un ammontare da destinare a tale scopo. Il lavoro individua alcune strategie di distribuzione della somma tra le varie Facoltà di un Ateneo, discute i compiti del Nucleo di valutazione interno, e rinvia alle Facoltà la scelta della individuazione dei meritevoli

    Il disegno della seconda indagine sulle condizioni economiche e sociali delle famiglie nella Provincia di Modena

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    This paper describes the survey and sample designs adopted to carry out the second occasion of the income survey in province of Modena. Specifically, it illustrates the determination of the sampling size, the territorial stratification, the selection of sampling units, the calculation of weights, some results obtained from the previous occasion, the variance of estimators, post-stratification and calibration, the key-points of an income longitudinal survey, some indicators of total and partial nonresponses. Note: a previous paper (Lalla, 2003) reports the procedures adopted in the first occasion

    Le scale ordinali e i relativi problemi operativi

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    La misurazione di numerosi concetti utilizzati nelle ricerche sociali genera una variabile ordinale, che presenta alcuni problemi nell\u2019analisi dei dati tuttora discussi. La genesi delle problematicit\ue0 deriva dal processo di misura, che colloca le variabili ordinali nella classe delle qualitative, e si acuisce nel contrasto tra le esigenze di analisi efficaci, che si ottengono facilmente con modelli che trattano variabili quantitative, e le peculiarit\ue0 delle scale ordinali che limitano il loro uso. I principali aspetti distintivi delle scale ordinali, alcuni dei quali costituiscono i punti critici e nodali delle questioni, sono qui illustrati assieme ai procedimenti di costruzione che, oltre a quelli tradizionali, contemplano anche quello basato sugli insiemi sfocati. Nel primo caso si descrivono le pi\ufa diffuse scale ordinali: Likert, differenziale semantico, termometri di sentimenti, e Stapel. Nel secondo caso si presenta in termini sintetici la struttura di un sistema di inferenza sfocata per il trattamento di variabili ordinali al fine di ottenere una o pi\ufa variabili risposta

    Problemi e osservazioni sul questionario utilizzato per la valutazione della didattica da parte degli studenti frequentanti

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    Student evaluations of teaching activity are compulsory in Italian universities and the National Committee for University System Evaluation proposed a course-evaluation questionnaire with items based on the four-point Likert scale and a traditional item-by-item analysis. This paper illustrates the main issues concerning the student evaluation of teaching, the survey and sample designs adopted to carry out the evaluation of the teaching activity, the wording of the proposed items, the timing of surveys because it could affect the results, and the advantages or disadvantages of the four-point Likert scale.Teaching evaluation questionnaire; student ratings; end-of-term evaluation; wording; Likert scale

    Il disegno della seconda indagine sulle condizioni economiche e sociali delle famiglie nella Provincia di Modena

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    This paper describes the survey and sample designs adopted to carry out the second occasion of the income survey in province of Modena. Specifically, it illustrates the determination of the sampling size, the territorial stratification, the selection of sampling units, the calculation of weights, some results obtained from the previous occasion, the variance of estimators, post-stratification and calibration, the key-points of an income longitudinal survey, some indicators of total and partial nonresponses.Stratified sampling; income survey; sampling weights; longitudinal survey; nonsampling errors

    Measurement and Fuzzy Scales

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    Concept measurement presents several difficulties and the tools used to collect qualitative ordinal variables are not always satisfactory. The Likert scale is examined in the context of student evaluation of teaching activity and the measurement approach considers the possibility to apply the fuzzy inference system method to obtain individual values being near the reality and coherent with the prescriptions of the measurement process. The paper presents the results of a survey carried out in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia to ascertain the differences between two scales (options): one proposed by the Italian Committee for University System Evaluation (Comitato nazionale per la valutazione del sistema universitario) and another one corresponding to the traditional marks used in the evaluation of student performances in the schools attended before the university (mark scale). The results showed that the latter seemed more coherent with the score (in the decimal scale) assigned to the modalities of the scale

    Chapter Determinants of the transition to upper secondary school: differences between immigrants and Italians

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    The determinants of the transition from lower secondary to upper secondary school of Italian and immigrant teenagers (16-19 age range) were identified joining the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) and the Italian Survey on Income and Living Conditions of Families with Immigrants in Italy (IM-SILC) for 2009. A set of individual, family, and contextual characteristics was selected through the Lasso method and a Bayesian approach to explain the choice of upper secondary schooling (yes/no). The transition from the low secondary to upper secondary school showed a complex pattern involving many variables: compared to men, women did not prove to have any differences, many components of income entered the model in a parabolic form, education level and income of parents proved to be very important, as was their occupation. The contextual factors revealed their importance: the latter included the degree of urbanisation, the South macro-region, household tenure status, the amount of optional technological equipment, and so on. Differences between Italians and immigrants disappeared when family background and parental characteristics were taken into account
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